Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Cuál es el costo de sacar o renovar pasaporte americano

Lo que cuesta el pasaporte americano depende de una serie de factores, entre los que se encuentra la edad del solicitante, la urgencia de la peticià ³n, si se trata de una renovacià ³n o de sacarlo por primera vez o, incluso, de si se pide conjuntamente con una tarjeta de pasaporte.. Este documento solo lo pueden solicitar los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, incluidas las personas nacidas en los territorios de la Commonwealth, como por ejemplo, el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Asimismo, se puede solicitar dentro de Estados Unidos o tambià ©n desde el exterior, a travà ©s de una Embajada o consulado. Es importante resaltar que el  pasaporte americano no se compra ni se vende, es necesario previo a solicitarlo haber adquirido la condicià ³n de estadounidense por nacimiento, naturalizacià ³n, derecho de sangre u otra forma derivada a travà ©s de los padres o adopcià ³n. Por el contrario,  sà ­ es posible comprar la residencia en Estados Unidos, es decir, la tarjeta de residencia a partir de una inversià ³n de mà ¡s de medio millà ³n de dà ³lares. Este es un modelo similar pero diferente al que siguen  estos 20 paà ­ses que tiene programas de adquisicià ³n ciudadanà ­a (pasaporte) y/o residencia a cambio de inversià ³n. Algunos son realmente interesantes. A continuacià ³n, un desglose del costo del pasaporte americano, segà ºn cada uno de los diferentes casos.. Costo del pasaporte americano para los ciudadanos de 16 aà ±os o mà ¡s Tanto en el caso en el que se solicita por primera vez como tambià ©n cuando se renueva la cuota a pagar $110. Ademà ¡s, cuando  se trata de sacarlo por primera vez a esa cantidad deben aà ±adir separadamente $25 mà ¡s, en concepto de gastos de gestià ³n. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como acceptance agent fee. Se tiene que pagar porque un funcionario federal da fe de la firma que se estampa en el pasaporte. Tanto en un caso como en otro si el solicitante quiere, a mayores del pasaporte, obtener una tarjeta de pasaporte deberà ¡ pagar $30 mà ¡s. Estos precios arriba mencionados aplican tanto cuando se solicita el pasaporte en Estados Unidos o en el exterior en la embajada o consulado que corresponda. Todos esos costos son para el caso en los que no hay urgencia para solicitar ese documento y se puede esperar entre 4 y 6 semanas, que es lo que se viene demorando la tramitacià ³n regular. Ademà ¡s, sà ³lo para los casos en los que el solicitante se encuentre en Estados Unidos podrà ¡ pedir que la gestià ³n se tramite urgentemente.   Costo del pasaporte americano para los nià ±os menores de16 aà ±os Tanto en los casos en los que se saca por primera vez como en los de renovacià ³n hay que pagar $80 a los que hay que sumar siempre $25 en concepto de gastos de gestià ³n que solo hay que pagar cuando se aplica por primera vez, no al renovar. Si ademà ¡s se solicitase una tarjeta de pasaporte, aà ±adir $15 al precio. Costo para acelerar los trà ¡mites para el pasaporte Si se solicita una gestià ³n de urgencia, pagar otros $60.  Esto aplica tanto en los casos en los que se solicita el pasaporte por primera vez o se renueva. Y no hay distincià ³n de precio segà ºn la edad del solicitante, es decir, pagan igual nià ±os que adultos. Y, ademà ¡s $12.85 por servicio de mensajerà ­a urgente, si bien este servicio es opcional aunque recomendable. Costo de otros servicios relacionados con el pasaporte Pueden darse las siguientes circunstancias: Cuando el solicitante no encuentra documentos que prueben su ciudadanà ­a: $150 para que el gobierno investigue sobre posibles Reportes Consulares de Nacimientos en el Exterior o posibles pasaportes anteriores.Pasaporte robado o extraviado: $80 si se trata de un menor de 16 aà ±os y $110 para los que han cumplido los 16 o tienen mà ¡s edad. No hay que pagar si el solicitante se encuentra en otro paà ­s y su pasaporte ha sido robado o lo han extraviado.Correccià ³n de un error administrativo como equivocacià ³n en nombre o fecha de nacimiento: no hay que pagar.Cambio de nombre: no hay que pagar si el pasaporte actual vigente tiene menos de un aà ±o y se puede documentar legalmente el cambio de nombre (por ejemplo, por acta de matrimonio). Si se solicita un trà ¡mite de urgencia, à ©se servicio sà ­ que hay que abonarlo.Segundo pasaporte: $110. Los costos del pasaporte americano siempre se pueden verificar en la pà ¡gina del Departamento de Estado. Consejos para el paso de control migratorio y de aduanas Estos son los documentos que pueden utilizar los ciudadanos americanos para ingresar a su paà ­s, es importante estar informado porque aunque el pasaporte siempre se admite en algunos casos es posible que un ciudadano regrese a los Estados Unidos sin necesidad de mostrar el pasaporte. Y recordar que es posible acelerar el paso por el control migratorio cuando se regresa a los Estados Unidos por medio de la participacià ³n en ciertos programas, cada uno con sus propios requisitos. Por ejemplo: Nexus, entre Canadà ¡ y Estados UnidosSENTRI, paso terrestre o marà ­timo entre Mà ©xico y Estados UnidosY Global Entry y APC para aeropuertos. Doble nacionalidad: quà © pasaporte utilizar en la frontera de Estados Unidos Por à ºltimo, destacar que si un ciudadano americano tiene doble nacionalidad y, por lo tanto, 2 pasaportes, debe tener siempre en cuenta que la ley requiere que el ingreso a Estados Unidos siempre se realice utilizando el pasaporte americano. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Soil Is A Vital Part Of The Natural Environment - 1352 Words

Soil is a vital part of the natural environment. Without soil the land on Earth would be wastelands of barren rock. Soil is the thin skin of our earth where we plant and grow vital grain crops such as wheat, corn and rice that feed more than seven billion of us. The future rests on the soil beneath our feet. History is littered with the remains of civilizations that ignored, exploited and degraded the soil beneath their feet. One-third of the world’s soil has already been damaged by wind and water erosion, deforestation, compaction, nutrient depletion and pollution. By our own actions we are losing soil faster than nature can create it. Unless we protect the remaining soil and improve land use and conservation practices, the global amount†¦show more content†¦Soils that have a higher percentage of clay will have a higher water holding capacity and a lower hydraulic conductivity. Sometimes when there is a compacted layer of clay underground it can lead to flooding aft er heavy storms. There are 12 different soil types known as orders. Each order is based on one or two dominant physical, chemical, or biological properties that differentiate it clearly from the other orders (Importance of soil to agriculture. (2013). The 12 soil orders all end in â€Å"sol† which is derived form the Latin word â€Å"solum† meaning soil or ground. Most of the orders also have roots that tell you something about that particular soil. For example, â€Å"molisol† is from the Latin â€Å"mollis† meaning soft. The 12 soil orders are presented in the sequence in which they â€Å"key out† in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s dichotomous Soil Taxonomy system. Gelisols are soils that are permanently frozen or contain evidence of permafrost near the soil surface. Histosols are dominantly composed of organic material in their upper portion. These soils most often occur in extremely wet areas. Spodosols are among the most attractive soils. These soils form as rainfall interacts with acidic vegetative litter such as needles of conifers to form organic acids. Andisols typically form from the weathering of volcanic material such as ash, resulting in mineral in the soil with poor crystal structure. These

Christian corporation staffing free essay sample

The department manager holds a regular staff meeting with her four section heads confining each meeting to one chief problem. On this day, the subject was the â€Å"poor† quality of the twenty supervisors reporting to the section heads. â€Å"We have a rather poor record in selecting good supervisors†, she begun. â€Å"We may have five or six who are outstanding but, but there are so many who are not. What do you people consider when you recommends candidates to me? † â€Å"I think my best technical people make the best supervisors,† said one section head. â€Å"They have the respect of their associates and subordinates, who rate their technical competence highly. They can renew staff members very effectively and pitch in to do the most demanding jobs themselves. † â€Å"Maybe that is just the trouble,† said the department manager. People like them may never learn to manage because they spend their time on technical work. † Another section head said,† I made my recommendation on the basis of seniority. It has popular appeal because everyone expects to be along this line. † â€Å"Do you think,† said the manager, â€Å"that age is the only, or most important criterion for supervision? † such a practice conveniently ignores everything learned about managing, or it assures that the candidate has the capability to become proficient in management after getting the job. Is this realistic? In the course of the meeting, other factors such as getting along with people, making good impression, having the capability for further promotion, and being able to exact responsibility were also considered. The department manager was clearly frustrated and, as she ended the meeting, she remarked, â€Å"No wonder we have a 40% failure rate in selecting supervisors. † II. VIEWPOINT My viewpoint in this problem of staffing in Christian Corporation is that as department manager, I should not look at only and consider the recommendation of section heads. I will consider the profile or other necessary credentials of the employees who are to be selected as good supervisors. Meaning to say, upon recommendation of the section heads, still their recommended employees will be subjected for interview and requesting them to submit all their necessary credentials for my final evaluation and selection. III. STATEMENT OF THE Problem This study focused on staffing of personnel in the Christian Corporation for the year 2007. Specifically, it answers the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the recommended employees for supervisor’s position in Christian Corporation in terms of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment and number of children in the family? 2. Why the department manager in Christian Corporation always holds a regular staff meeting with her four section heads? 3. How do the four section heads in the Christian Corporation undergo selection/staffing the twenty supervisors? 4. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the twenty supervisors in the Christian Corporation with their four section heads’ consideration for selection/ staffing? 5. What plan of action can be formulated to improve the poor record in selecting/ staffing good supervisors? IV. OBJECTIVES This study determine the selection/staffing of twenty supervisors in Christian Corporation for the year 2007. A. Must or short-range objectives 1. To determine the profile of the twenty supervisors in Christian Corporation in terms of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, and number of children in the family. 2. To identify the reasons why the department manager in Christian Corporation always holds a regular staff meeting with her four section heads in Christian Corporation in selection/staffing the twenty supervisors. 3. To specify the considerations of the four sections heads in Christian Corporation in selecting/staffing for twenty supervisors. 4. To determine if there is a significant relationship between the profile of the twenty supervisors in Christian Corporation with their four section heads considerations for selection/staffing. B. Want or long-range objectives 5. To formulate and implement plan of action in order to improve the poor recor5d in selecting/ staffing good supervisors. V. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION/ANALYSIS As analyst of the problem of staffing in Christian Corporation, I include the following sub-problems/objectives for the following reasons: A. Must or Short-Range Objectives 1. The profile of the twenty supervisors in Christian Corporation in terms of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment and number of children in the family. This is because every individual is unique and has own ability and traits/characteristics to do and accomplish work. This will determine with their age, if they are still young, they have more ability and energy to do their functions. Gender may also be considered, since masculinity is greatly different from femininity in doing hard work, their endurance towards work. Civil Status vary since, if the employee is single, they can do more functions than married one because single employee has more available time to render service than married one. Highest educational attainment is also considered since, this will determine their intellectual and managerial or leadership ability of individual. Lastly, number of children in the family may be considered inasmuch that more children, means more time to spend for than those with few children in the family. 2. Identifying reasons why the department manager in Christian Corporation always holds a regular staff meeting with her four section heads. This matter maybe considered as objective to determine the status of Christian Corporation operation as well as the output of the recommended twenty supervisors of the four department heads. 3. Identifying considerations of the four section heads in Christian Corporation in selection/staffing of twenty supervisors. This is needed to identify in the sense that through this, the manager can determine whether their considerations for selection/staffing is a success or a failure. 4. Determining the significant relationship between the profile of the twenty supervisors in Christian Corporation with the considerations of the four section heads is needed inasmuch that this will determine the promotion/selection of the employees to be promoted as supervisors. Managers may have the chance for final selection based from interview and credentials presented. B. Want on Long-Range Objective 5. Formulation and implementation of plan of action is needed to improve the selection and staffing of twenty supervisors in Christian Corporation. In this situation, sure success on the business operation in the Christian Corporation is being assured and to attain quality output. VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION Based from the areas of consideration/analysis of the analyst, the following alternative courses of action were drawn: 1. In selecting or staffing personnel in Christian Corporation as supervisors, profile in terms of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, and number of children in the family should be considered as bases inasmuch that their ability and performance towards work depends on them. 2. Determining the status of the operations and output of Christian Corporation may be identified through information disseminations and or report from the different section heads. 3. Criteria for selecting supervisors may be evaluated, once the criteria/considerations for selection/staffing may be notified / revealed. 4. The profile of the personnel to be selected for staffing may have significant relationship with the section heads considerations and or bases for selection and or staffing personnel. 5. Formulation and implementation of action plan is important for staffing personnel for supervisorship position. VII. RECOMMENDATION From the alternative courses of action, it is recommended that the profile in terms of age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment and number of children in the family of the personnel to be selected and or evaluated for staffing supervisor’s position may be considered to assure quality output performance. VIII. CONCLUSION/DETAILED ACTION PLAN Activities Strategies Persons Involved 1. Staffing supervisors position 1. Meeting of the department manager with the section heads. a) Submit personal data sheet and or credentials of personnel to be subjected for evaluation for staffing supervisor’s position. 2. Interview with the section heads. 3. Interview with the department manager. 4. Final selection process. (management decision) 1. Department manager 2. Section Heads 3. Personnel subjected for staffing supervisor’s position